Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Themes This Week

After mulling over the readings this week, two themes presented themselves: 1-Get out there and 2-Make geography accessible to everyone.

Specifically these readings are a variety of Peirce Lewis' works that range from regional studies to commentary on notable geographers. Lewis' work hits home for me and actually inspired me to approach the professor that I TA for and suggest that we use one of the Lewis articles as an introduction to geography for 100 level course students (Lewis, Peirce. 1985. Presidential Address: Beyond Description. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 75(4). 465-478.) It is a brief overview of the variety of professions and works that geographers do, but also a call to students to get out there, explore, read good writing (of which this blog may or may not be) and to then produce good descriptive writing about what they have experienced. Not hard to do right?

Right, now get out there and get to it. The general public, who is largely ignorant of geography, both its breadth and depth, wants to know more about the place that they live and wants to better understand what exactly it is that they are experiencing. As a geographer you, we, can do this.

I should really take my own advice and get back to writing this thing called a thesis.

1 comment:

Denielle said...

Good job tying them all together. I can tell you've finished your annotations! If it's these articles you were talking about using to replace the Brooks article, I agree, they would serve the purpose much better. Ciao