The saga continues....
Running this week and last has perhaps been one of the toughest, yet most enjoyable things I have done in a long time.
Last Friday started with a 70 min run down to the river and back. A good start for sure, but half way there, the knees began to groan and complain, the hips began to rebel, and my ears began to close in on themselves, due to the incessant talking of another slow runner (did I mention I am again back of the pack?) Then something amazing happened, I hit that endorphin high that puts you in to a perm-a-grin state and everything melts away. It is just you and the foot beats of your pace taking you back up the hill and to the stopping point. Yep 70 minutes of running down.
Wednesday on the other hand was a bit tougher. Only a 50 minute jaunt, but with a speed work out thrown in. Legs of lead is all I can say.
Keep running.
You should check out this Nun that is 77 and does the Ironman a lot. She says running actually gets her closer to God. Interesting statement, I used to run cross country and can say from experience, it's your bodies way of saying, "what the hell are you doing to me!?"
Never easy to put in those miles ... but the crucial thing is not only to go the distance, but take care of yourself; you don't want to pay the price later, when those knees remember all the early miles in your life!
As for the geography side of things, I think you're right about the "essential" message of the readings for the last couple of weeks: they're about communication, sure, but even more, about DOING something worthwhile.
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