Monday, August 23, 2010

New Fish Bowl - Twice Over

Remember those posts from a few years ago where I would reflect on the entertaining things happening outside my living room window in the Biggest Little City?  Well they're back, but from two new locations, my office window and the new living room window, neither of which are in the Biggest Little City or Big Sky for that matter. 

My fish bowl view has shrunk, but oddly enough offers more entertainment and head shaking opportunities. The office fish bowl looks out over the local fire department lot and has proven to be a consistent source of entertainment for me. Example: 

Firemen playing with their hoses - no its not what you're thinking - they were running equipment tests where they hook up the hoses and then water the lawn with them. In between watering sessions they proceeded to sun themselves (if only they'd remove their shirts for this part). These events have become routine for Thursday afternoons and on Thursday evenings. Right around quitting time for the working Joes the firemen roll their chairs out to front of the station which located along the main drag in busting Hillsborough and waive good evening to the passerbys - it is great fun for them and entertaining for the rest of us. 

The at home viewing options are a bit more limited to views of the neighborhood dogs taking themselves for a walk up and down the road and amazing lightning storms. Watching the lighting through the front window is better than television sometimes, especially when the strikes are close to the house. 

We'll see what adventures will pass by the fish bowls and if they are noteworthy, you'll find them here.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Sidewalk

Today was one of those days where Spring flirts with you. She uses the blue skies and warmer temperatures to lure you outside and enjoy the idea of a new season. It was also an day for escaping the afternoon office grind by walking to the local coffee shop to enjoy a beverage and a book for the lunch time break.

As I sat outside reading the pages of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver, the sun warmed my back and sounds of the streetscape and sidewalk life got me thinking about all the sounds that we drown out during the day and the sounds that are no longer common in our communities.

Take for instance the sound of bells, the resonant, crisp, clear ring or dong of a bell is rarely if ever heard in our community. Granted this is a community with two clock towers, one at the county courthouse and one at the university, but their bells are silent, excluding the automated chiming of the time. The sound I refer to is the ringing of bells for events like weddings or other special occasions. Think Quasimodo in the tower ring the actual domed structure of a bell ringing. Even the sound of wind chimes is absent.

For all the noise that we encounter on a daily basis, the communal sounds of people in the streets, bells, dogs, vendors, etc, we live in a pretty quite environment. I suppose today was one of those days that permitted a pause in the day to day routine of work that allowed me to think and be outside. Take note of the sounds you hear and don't hear and see what you find and what is missing.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Morning Run - Really Evening Run

Officially these runs are really evening runs, at least for the time being due to my inability to haul my sleepy butt out of bed in the morning. This lack of morning motivation may be a result of the dismal winter weather that we get here in the banana belt of Montana - oh yeah and the lack of morning sun. This winter has been a bust - little to no snow, rain that turns to ice and freezing temperatures that turn working pipes into non-working pipes.

But I digress; the point of this particular blog post is to hopefully keep me motivated. Since I moved to Big Sky country the running has been hit and miss, mostly miss, due to the fact that I work an office job. Who knew that sitting under florescent lights and staring at a computer screen all day would zap all your energy? Add to this fact that for the last year I have been battling the completion of a thesis that left very little time for actual physical exercise.

Now that the thesis is complete and the days are getting longer, motivation is slowly returning to jiggle jog my way to health. I started last night with a two-mile run (20 minutes totally) on the treadmill of wonder. Updates to follow and hey by all means, jump on the bandwagon of motivation.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Big News

Really? I haven't posted since June? Wow. Well I bet I know why I haven't posted, it is because I have been working on my thesis and I am pleased to announce it is finished!!!

After many days glued to my chair, chained to my computer and much badgering by loved ones, the thesis, Planned Unit Developments, Public Participation and Planning: The Case of Spring Mountain, is complete. (Should you ever want to read it, and I am not sure why you would it can be found at the UNR library)

I must admit that I am sort of proud of myself. There were moments of serious doubt if I was going to be able to finish this and it feels really good to know that I did. Who knows maybe one day I'll go back to school again . . . not any time soon.

Other good news includes Samy. He has completed his PhD and is officially Dr. Samy. What, what we have a doctor and a master. Celebrate!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Two things . . .

Alright two things that are worthy of blogging about:

1. I got my camera fixed
2. I baked bread

Yeah, yeah, I know, not the most exciting thing to blog about but to me it is exciting.

With that I present to the world photos of the bread:

This bread is the first of many loaves that I intend to bake. It is sort of special in two different ways. The first is that Samy gave me this awesome baking stone and amazing bread baking book for Christmas that I have only now got around to using. The second is that the bread was made for a silent auction fundraiser for a co-worker who is very sick. The bread was part of a basket that included five different kinds of homemade jams (all made with Montana plums and pears) and three loaves of herb bread (made with organic and Montana ingredients).

I have to toot my own horn here, I didn't think the basket would be bid on when I showed up with it as there were some amazing items, but it sold for $45! I am glad that someone purchased it and the money is going to a good cause.

Now that I have my camera back and in working order here are a few more pictures of the bread and one of the lovely San Juan Islands at sunset.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Back from the land of Zion and I have a mission (get it?). Can you guess what it is?

Thesis Completion.

I made a promise that I have to keep and this promise is keeping me up at night, writing and thinking. I am in a serious pinch, sort on time and stressing, but yet strangely calm.

Strange post for strange times.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Let The Fun Begin!

Dateline: March 25, 2009 approximately 6:00pm at the Playfair Park.

It was snowing literally on the verge of a white
out and I am on my way to play in the opening game of Spring League Ultimate. That's how we roll in the Big Sky: Rain, snow, sleet, or shine we play.

We are team Evel Knievel! We have no fear, we drink beer, and cheer. Yeah that's right a rhyme.

I honestly don't recall the last time I played in an opening game of Spring League where it felt like I was playing inside a snow globe. It was perhaps one of the funnest games that I have played in. That may be a direct result of the team I am playing with. We have a great mix of skill levels and enthusiasm. Besides, how much more fun can it get when you play on a team named in honor of one of Montana's best? Oh that's right: Capes-yep we have capes. Red, white and blue baby!

Thus far we are 1-0. I will try to keep folks up
to date on the ultimate happenings but for now. . .

Butte, Butte, its where we make our home, E
vel Knievel broke thirty-seven bones (Repeat to full vocal loudness then go play ultimate).